Why is telling and acting on the truth so difficult? Why is confronting the truth about racism at work, in our communities, or in churches so challenging? Join us as we explore the courage of Bartolomé de Las Casas in Reinhold Schneider’s, Telling Truth to Kings.
Schneider’s text illustrates four critical steps in truth-telling, each of which presents a genuine test of character:
- the wisdom and willingness to see the truth
- the courage to speak the truth
- the humility and honesty of mind to hear the truth
- the will to act on the truth
Discover how Las Casas demonstrates both wisdom and courage as he talks with King Charles, and why this matters now more than ever.
Readings: Telling Truth to Kings, Reinhold Schneider
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. Thursday, February 25, 2021
Location: Zoom video conference – details will be provided
Host(s): Jim Longhurst & Sara Singleton